I started some of the earlier starts a little over a week ago. Peppers and eggplant seem to grow the slowest and since I'm able to plant them in the hoop house so early, I had to start them really early. Onions are another early one, but I start those so early because they are the first thing I plant usually. I'm guessing we will be able to get in earlier than ever since we've had such a mild winter.
I bought a soil block maker this year so I can do away with the plastic containers I've been using for years that are falling apart. I'd recommend this method to anyone. It's really easy and you can make unlimited numbers of blocks. The air space between the blocks supposedly keeps the starts from becoming root bound because the roots just stop when they hit the edge of the block. I made up my own soil mix out of compost, sand, and a small amount of ash.
This is my first attempt at gouda cheese. The 4 pound wheel was covered with beeswax and aged it for about 2 months in my cheese cellar. I don't know if it is really gouda, but it tastes good. To me it tastes more like a mild swiss cheese. I love that it looks like such a professionally made artisan cheese. A few days ago I started making another wheel of it. I may try using real cheese wax next time instead of beeswax because though the beeswax did protect the cheese during aging, there was still a pretty healthy mold growing on the rind. We'll see what happens if I do it differently this time.